Use automations on the start form

It’d be great to be able to use automations on the start form to auto-populate fields that are commonly related to each other. This might actually make most sense in the Conditionals area rather than Automations. 


Ideally what I’d like to see is a way to set up this conditional/automation :

When X field is filled out on the Start Form or has a specific answer > make the answer to Y field “this”. 


It would save people having to fill in lots of information that usually is the same for most submissions. 


As a silly example, let’s say I had a pipe that was tracking what kind of sandwiches people want. It might have questions like : what is the first topping you want? what is the second topping you want? It’d be nice to automate it so that when someone picks “Peanut Butter” as their first topping, it automatically fills in “Jelly” as the second topping (because Peanut Butter and Jelly go together a lot). If someone doesn’t actually want Jelly as the 2nd topping, they could manually change it, but for all the people who do want a PB&J sandwich, they’re saved a step because of the automation.

So the auto-population would not happen on any of the currently possible automation triggers, but rather immediately when entering into a form? Sounds interesting and useful indeed, could save quite some time.

Exactly @genietim . A real “smart” form. 


It would work similarly to how the “when a field is updated > update a field” automation can work now, only on the Start Form when information is first being entered. 

Hello, people!

I loved this idea. I am sending it to the responsible team! :hugging:


Updated idea statusNewSubmitted

Hi @Nicole Chiroli, do we have any updates for this feature? If not, is there a workaround to achieve this through Workato maybe?


Will be really useful for my case. Thanks heaps :)