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Ability to collapse connected cards on kanban view (just below card) and inside the card (top left side)

  • February 15, 2022
  • 2 replies


We have been using Pipefy for almost 2 years now, and one of our first Pipe was a CRM. Each client has one card and they are active (most of them). This client card is referenced in various other pipes, from projects to purchase orders.

When we want to navigate on our CRM (client pipe), our oldest client has hundreds of connected cards, in several pipes. It is very annoying to have to scroll past all these reference numbers to find the next card on the phase. Same thing happens when inside the card, you want to see the start form, and has to scroll down all connected cards to find the information you are looking for.

Maybe the ability to collapse into different status, such as Active/Concluded.


This is the size of my left side scroll bar inside my card. Due to connected cards showing up.


2 replies

Danielle Diehl
Pipefy Staff

Hey @paulonavarro , thanks for your very detailed feedback, it is really interesting to see your use case and certainly helps the product team prioritize new features. I will submit this suggestion to the product team responsible for this. Appreciate your time! 

Danielle Diehl
Pipefy Staff
Updated idea statusNewSubmitted


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