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Give us more possibilities to set the notification preferences


Currently, one has only three possibilities of what to enable/disable in order to get notified:

  • When I'm added to a pipe or team or mentioned/assigned to a card
  • When a card is moved, expires, becomes late or overdue
  • When a new comment or checklist is created

I feel like this selection is

  1. very confusing: for example, what does “when a new comment is created” exactly mean, is this only restricted to my cards, or any card, and what happens if I deactivate the first option, but am mentioned in a comment, … etc.
  2. rather restrictive. Some users of my pipe are assigned automatically to cards by automations, they get spammed so they want to deactivate the E-Mails when they are assigned to a card. However, when another user mentions them in a comment on a “foreign” card, they of course want to be notified of this.

In my view, the following separate selections should be available at least (feel free to suggest others in the comments):

Email me when:

  • I’m added to a pipe or team
  • I am mentioned in a comment on a card
  • I am assigned to a card by a user
  • I am assigned to a card by automation/GraphQL
  • when a comment is created on cards assigned to me
  • when a checklist is created on cards assigned to me
  • when an attachment is added to a card assigned to me
  • when a card I’m assigned to got an E-Mail // this one can be solved by Automations, but those Automations don’t allow users to change their preference

3 replies

Ezequiel Souza

It’s a great idea!

  • 0 replies
  • October 28, 2023

I agree there are lots of room for improvement on the notification preferences, @genietim ! I'll submit this post for our team, so when we get to prioritize notification improvements we can take it under consideration. Thank you!

  • 0 replies
  • October 28, 2023


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