The “field change” automation is run whenever a field is changed. However, when a connected card is changed, this automation is not run, even though it would make sense.
- pipe with connection to “client” database. “Client E-Mail” field on pipe’s card, since it could not be used e.g. in PDFs, or reports. However, when the E-Mail field on the connected client (database) card is changed, the “Client E-Mail” field would not be updated, and there does not seem to be a straight-forward way to get it to (even though, as I see it, it would totally make sense)
- pipe with connection to “articles” database. Updating the price in the database card would not update on the card if synced with an automation, as described for the client example above
- pipe with connnection to “client” database. Automation to update the card’s title to include the client’s name whenever the client field is updated. Again, here as well, if the name of the client in the database changes (e.g. due to marriage), one would have to manually update all titles, even though one might expect that the automation does it