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Request for Implementation of Feature to Prevent Duplicate Card Creation

Luis Fernando Alves


Hello, good morning! I hope you're doing well!

I would like to request the implementation of a feature that prevents the creation of a duplicate card based on the information contained in a field in the initial form. I know there is already a function to make a field unique, however, it does not meet my needs as it prevents the creation of a card even if the previous one is finished. Ideally, there would be a feature that limits this duplication only among unfinished cards and displays a message to the user, for example:

"There is already a card with the information [field content] in the phase [phase name]. To create a new card with this information, the previous one must be finished."

4 replies

  • Pipefy Legend
  • 412 replies
  • April 24, 2024

You can do that using automations: use one automation to copy the content from the “unique” field to an equivalent, non-unique field as soon as the card enters the finished phase. Then, empty the value of the “unique” field on the finished card, or set it to something non-sensical, i.e., by appending current date & time or similar.

  • Pipefy Legend
  • 1465 replies
  • April 24, 2024
Luis Fernando Alves wrote:


Hello, good morning! I hope you're doing well!

I would like to request the implementation of a feature that prevents the creation of a duplicate card based on the information contained in a field in the initial form. I know there is already a function to make a field unique, however, it does not meet my needs as it prevents the creation of a card even if the previous one is finished. Ideally, there would be a feature that limits this duplication only among unfinished cards and displays a message to the user, for example:

"There is already a card with the information [field content] in the phase [phase name]. To create a new card with this information, the previous one must be finished."



Hello, @Luis Fernando Alves 


See if this article helps you.

How to avoid duplicated cards


  • 0 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Thanks for submitting this idea @Luis Fernando Alves ! I'll send it over to the team evaluation if in the future we can include a configuration such as "only check not finished cards", or something like that. For now, I believe the solution brought by @genietim will help you! 

  • 0 replies
  • May 21, 2024


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