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Filter cards by pipe alerts (late, expired and/or overdue)

  1. :eyes:Context: As the figures below shows, there are visual alerts on each pipe phase if there is any late and/or expired card. Also, in each card there is an alert to show if the card is overdue [Pipefy could also add the total of overdue card(s) on each phase like there are already for late and/or expired! *]



  1. :sob:Problem: So, if you want to filter to show only late, expired and/or overdue cards of the phase or on the hole pipe, you should do it manual and visually one by one.


  1. :heart_eyes:Alternatives of solution: 
    1. On the hole pipe, add this filter “By pipe alerts” like “By card title or subtitle”, “By label” and “By member”; AND / OR
    2. On a phase, add the feature to click into the number of card(s) with the pipe alert (yellow or red) to filter and show only late and/or expired card(s) respectively in the phase of interest.
    3. * Plus: On each phase add the total of overdue card(s) like there are already for late and/or expired!


2 replies

Juliana Spinardi
Pipefy Staff
Updated idea status NewSubmitted

  • New Member
  • 2 replies
  • January 17, 2022

Seriously we cannot filter past due cards??????

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