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Access Assignee Field E-Mail


What I am currently able to, in an E-Mail template:

<p>Please contact {{}}, {{}}.</p>

What I would like to be able to do is exactly this, but not for all assignees in a card, but only for a specific assingee field. Use case: I have an assignee-field “Project Leader” and an assignee-field “Project Implementor”, then I may want to have an E-Mail template referring to only the Project Leader, e.g.:

<p>Please contact {{}}, {{}}.</p>

where field000 is the “Project Leader” assignee-field.

Currently, this can be solved by manually creating as many automations as you have E-Mails to fill times the number of users that could be assigned there, with the additional drawback that when users (or their E-Mails) of the organization change, the automations also have to be changed manually.

2 replies

Giovanni Basso
Pipefy Staff

Thank you for your feedback, @genietim . :nerd:

Seems you are looking for some further user grouping/customization within the email templates, so that you can pin-point to a specific user as the assignee, and not list all assignees by default. I will forward this to our product backlog for further analysis. The more votes we get here, the higher the impact it has to more customers and the higher the chances of us prioritizing its implementation.

Giovanni Basso

Product Manager
Messaging, Integrations, Mobile and Community

Giovanni Basso
Pipefy Staff
Updated idea status NewSubmitted

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