Conditions in E-Mail templates

It would be awesome (and save me so much time in making automations and E-Mail template adjustments) if there was some sort of conditional in E-Mail templates. I dream of, in the template:


You will be charged:

{{if fieldId.some_select_value}}

100 for some_select_value


{{if fieldId.some_other_select_value}}

200 for some_other_select_value


{{if fieldId.some_third_select_value}}

50 for some_third_select_value



Instead of making, for this example, 7 E-Mail templates and then having also 7 automations deciding which to send.

Hi @genietim Thx for the feedback 🙂 What are you trying to accomplish by sorting email templates? Any further details here would be very helpful! 

Hi @Raphael Costa 

Thanks for your response. As you say sorting, I am not sure if I understand. I do not want conditions to filter or sort E-Mail templates. I am looking for conditions in the templates. Conditions that change the text/content of the E-Mail.

So, in the example of above: I list all the articles a user selected. This on itself is maybe not the best example as it could be achieved with a more complicated select-list input and some autofill-actions.

I just realized, that what I want to do can already be achieved in any case by using some helper input-text fields and multiple automations triggering on field change, each equipped with some conditions.

The conditions in E-Mail templates would therefore only be simplifying the setup.

Other examples:

  • salutation in an E-Mail from two fields: one select: married/unmarried, another select: man/woman. Then, could use
    {{if field2 == man}}Mr.{{else}}{{if field1 == married}}Mrs.{{else}}Ms.{{endif}}{{endif}}
  • Potential text only if field is filled in:
    {{ if attachment }} You can find the file at {{attachment}}{{endif}}
  • Adabtion of number postfixes:
    You have {{ fieldNr }} tree{{ if fieldNr > 1 || fieldNr == 0 }}s{{endif}}

These are rather simple examples as there are practically no interferences between different fields as I have some in upcoming processes. But yes, all these examples can be done with a hidden helper text field that is used in the E-Mail templates and filled using two (resp. 3) automations upon change of the corresponding fields.

Updated idea status NewSubmitted

I have hear an example that I was not able to replicate using conditions & automations as one cannot put HTML fields in the E-Mail template:


Conditional table rows!

E.g. (simplifying here, the conditions would of course include field specifiers etc., depending on your implementation):

<th>Article Count</th>
{{ if field.article1Count > 0 }}
<td>{{ field.article1Count }}</td>
{{ if field.article2Count > 0 }}
<td>{{ field.article2Count }}</td>
{{ if field.article3Count > 0 }}
<td>{{ field.article3Count }}</td>
{{ if field.article4Count > 0 }}
<td>{{ field.article4Count }}</td>
<!-- etc., any many article fields -->


(Also, it would be nice to be able to edit topics on here, the “hear” instead of the “here” as well as the formatting issues are bugging me. Sorry. Thanks.)