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Email templates with a dinamic field to share the card's status / tracking

Lucas Democh
Ezequiel Souza
  • ivan.novofoco
  • Lucas Democh
    Lucas Democh
  • Ezequiel Souza
    Ezequiel Souza
  • rafael.jefte
  • marcosmelo
  • brennovn

Eduardo Kano

It would be incredible to be able to share through the email templates the link for the requesters track the process real time.



Today it is only possible if the requester informs his email when sending requests through the public form in addition to requiring the pipe to collect the email through fields or in a standard way at the end.


5 replies

Giovanni Basso
Pipefy Staff

Thank, @Eduardo Kano, for this feedback.

Seems like it would be an improvement involving Request Tracker @fernando-scarduelli ) and Email Templates. I will place it on our backlog so we can better evaluate it.


Giovanni Basso

Product Manager @ Pipefy

Giovanni Basso
Pipefy Staff

@Eduardo Kano, question for you. Would sharing the card's current phase not help you at all in your use cases?

The current phase, depending on how you mapped your process, can be kind of a "status", and it is already available for access by dynamic fields.

Giovanni Basso
Pipefy Staff
Updated idea status NewSubmitted

Eduardo Kano
  • Author
  • Pipefy Legend
  • 95 replies
  • June 18, 2021

Not in all use cases because it would require a huge amount of work and automations to give simple information to our stakerholders; as it is using the “Requester Tracker”.

Also it would give us more customization power to send better email templates using our own brand guidelines. 


Any news about this idea?

It's a must have to facilitate the personalization of the request tracking email.


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