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Searching Cards by ID number

  • February 24, 2021
  • 2 replies
Lucas Democh
Juliana Spinardi
Ezequiel Souza
  • Lucas Democh
    Lucas Democh
  • Juliana Spinardi
    Juliana Spinardi
  • Ezequiel Souza
    Ezequiel Souza
  • rafael.jefte
  • tsartori


Hey folks!

I have a suggestion to get Cards from Pipefy. I would like to suggest that in the search filter, an option to search by ID number be included. Today the search is only carried out. Including this option it would be possible to find the entire history of that Card, to be used in an audit for example. I used the suggestion to generate the report, but the report separates into pages, and it is also not possible to search by ID. I hope I have given you a good idea, and that it will be implemented in Pipefy. It would be very useful for me and certainly for other users.

2 replies

  • Pipefy Legend
  • 412 replies
  • February 26, 2021

To open a card by ID, you can simply open the URL{theId}, where you replace


with the ID of the card you are looking for.


As the IDs are not necessarily consecutive, I am not sure where else such a filter could be useful. Maybe when connecting one card to another?


A workaround you could use is the following:

The search currently works using the title field. So, you could add an additional field (e.g. “title”, hide it with conditionals), as well as an automation (in Pipefy or using Integromat) that sets the “title” field to whatever was the title before plus the ID of the card. Then, set the “title” field as the title of the card.

Now, you can search for the ID and find the card you want because it has the ID in its title.

Juliana Spinardi
Pipefy Staff
Updated idea status NewSubmitted


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