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Hi Doers, working from home can be super nice. But I miss commuting to the office every day, taking a break and meeting my colleagues for a cup of coffee, in-person meetings, having lunch with customers, decorating my workstation and playing with the office pets. :heart_eyes:  :desktop: :dog::coffee:


Do you feel the same? Yes?  


If so, I invite you to share with the community a cool picture of what you miss the most about going to the office! :kissing_closed_eyes: :camera:


  :ballot_box:  The picture with more likes will win a cool swag from Pipefy!


:checkered_flag:You can post your picture until July 24th! The result will be announced on July 31st  :dancer_tone4::man_dancing_tone1:


Let the games begin! :rocket:

I miss the energy at the office! This is a picture from the 2018 Fifa World Cup. We watched all games together. Can you feel the energy? :soccer::trophy::zap:




I miss face-to-face meetings that end late at night. Or not... :joy:  Can you see the despair? Just kidding, we just wanted to finish the projects and run for happy hour! :beers:


I used to work from a coworking space.

We were journalists, engineers, architects etc. I miss all the different people with completly different background around me.

I miss taking a break and have a coffee with them, chatting about life and even organize ours happy hours. :heart_eyes:



I miss the themed parties, the coffee in the middle of the afternoon and mostly, the people! :blue_heart:


What I miss the most is the place energy, the people and Paulinha! :blush:


I've stolen this picture from Pipefy's Instagram. I miss surprise snacks at the office cause it's a moment that we can chill and talk to each other freely.



What I miss the most is the place energy, the people and Paulinha! :blush:


I miss Paulinha so bad :’( 

I miss all this love from Branca and Paulinha 😞 And the support team relax corner, of course!


It is not only about hard work and results. I miss those "smashing" :heart_eyes: moments that are essential for renewing energy in hard work projects :muscle_tone2: . This photo was in Athletes Village Feeding Project of Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. A 24 hours operation to feed 20.000 athletes and country delegations. The biggest challenge of my career. 


Taking care of the best nutritionist ever


I have so many great pictures lying down on the floor with dogs (and I miss it so much dear God) but I chose this one because this halloween was SO MUCH fun and I love this picture of us on Customer Support. We were talking to customers, making calls and recording videos dressed like this it was epic. 


#minhamascotinha #camisadez



Missing Pipefy´s parties? 
Can´t wait to see you all again!!






Coisa mais lindaaaaaaaaaaa <3



Coisa mais lindaaaaaaaaaaa <3

DesignUX :heart_eyes:

I miss the smell of trees, the sounds of animals, the peace of nature. :deciduous_tree:  I miss my team`s energy on Tuesdays (the day we take out to be together in the office), shared coffees, lunches full of laughter and morning conversations. I hope we will be able to stay together and hug each other soon. :heart:

Does I forget something @vitoria_lanes, @thaiannelourenco e @erickgouveia

P.s. We are located in an area considered a biosphere reserve of the Green Belt of the State of São Paulo by UNESCO. :see_no_evil::bee::beetle::deciduous_tree::rosette:


I miss the smell of trees, the sounds of animals, the peace of nature. :deciduous_tree:  I miss my team`s energy on Tuesdays (the day we take out to be together in the office), shared coffees, lunches full of laughter and morning conversations. I hope we will be able to stay together and hug each other soon. :heart:

Does I forget something @vitoria_lanes@thaiannelourenco e @erickgouveia

P.s. We are located in an area considered a biosphere reserve of the Green Belt of the State of São Paulo by UNESCO. :see_no_evil::bee::beetle::deciduous_tree::rosette:


Omg what a gorgeous bird!! :Heart:

What a fun thread, thanks for putting this together! Personally, I am a big advocate of working from home, I think it brings many benefits to individuals, the environment, society and companies. For the last many years I've had the privilege of working from home most days of the week. That said, I do have fond memories of the shenanigans we pulled in the office. Here's one where I brought a remote controlled floating shark to the office and followed my boss around with it.. In the second one a colleague was waaayy to excited to get his new business cards after a promotion so we made sure to make him work for it :)


@savicbo LOL!!!!

This picture is us in the office for the report updates. The Office it’s almost empty, we miss the energy of the people in here, the contact, the “pots-its” everywhere and the team drawings in the blackboard. But that is what we have to do to keep our team safe, #staysafe #stopthespread 


I miss the energy of our office, our tables crowded with personal stuff and just being in the same place as the entire team, :heart: . This pic is from a bug fixing hackathon we did on a Saturday and even though it was work on a weekend we had so much fun!

I also miss the pets that would visit us at the office, even though I have a dog at home right now, there was something extra special about having a dog around in the office environment.

As an extra pic, this is Branca being very loved by @Nicole Chiroli <3 


@belsalemme I miss Branca :’(