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📧 September Email Improvements

  • 16 September 2021
  • 5 replies
📧 September Email Improvements

Hi, members of our community :heart_eyes:


I’d like to share the new improvements we’ve made for you to have an even better email experience.


1.  Mark thread as read/unread
Now in the open card email inbox, you mark the threads as read or unread, flagging it and letting other team members know when you saw an email thread or not, thus improving the collaborative work related to emails.


2. Removed email wrapper
Now all the emails sent manually have their default content wrappers removed to ensure users get the final expected result of the emails they send using Pipefy. Now the wrapper does not change the content width anymore and also the wrapper styling settings won't affect the content anymore.


3.  Attachments upload progress bar
Now when you are uploading attachments to an email, there’s an attachment upload progress bar that indicates to users that the upload is happening and gives an idea about how long it will take.


4.  Default email field values (v1)
Now in the Shared Email Inbox, when you are composing an email, Pipefy automatically pre-populates some email fields based on an existing pipe or card information, so people don’t have to find/retrieve the information for themselves every time.
So, when users are composing emails from an existing card, Pipefy will automatically pre-populate the following fields, as in the exemple below. 


🔙 Before:

  • FROM: card email address 
  • TO: <none> 
  • SUBJECT: <none > 


➡️ Now:

  • FROM: card email address
  • TO: card creator 
  • SUBJECT: card title 


5.  Cards created by emails sent manually have the email subject as its title
Now, in the Shared Email Inbox, when you are composing an email from scratch and creating the card simultaneously, the cards created by those emails are being made with its title being the subject of the email sent. 



Hope you like it! Feedback is always welcome! 

5 replies

Userlevel 3

so excited to see all of these improvements being shipped! :heart_eyes:

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

My team will be happy to know :)

Userlevel 1

Super cool!!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

These are great improvements @Diogo Matheus ! Thank you for announcing them all to us here in the community! 

Userlevel 4

Great that you enjoyed @Sarah Lane @Izabelle Souza @tsartori and @Leticia Paiva ! Any feedback please let me know! :heart:

