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Survey | User Management New Feature Study

  • 3 June 2022
  • 3 replies
Survey | User Management New Feature Study

Hello, community!


My name is Rodrigo Leite and I'm part of Pipefy's Product Team.


We are continuously looking for improvements in our product and we believe there is no one better than people who use our product daily to be a part of its development. So today, we would like to invite YOU to help us improve. 🤗


Currently, our main challenge is to understand how important is the User Management for our clients and how satisfied they are with the way they solve this problem today.

If you are interested in shaping Pipefy’s future roadmap and creating something amazing for users such as yourself, please fill out the forms specific for each subject:

  1. Bulk operations for user management
  2. User profile management
  3. User governance
  4. Suspend user accounts
  5. User licenses management


Thank you in advance! 🤝 



Questionários respondidos.

Espero que se demore muito para implementar.




Sempre que precisarem de feedback podem contar comigo :)

