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How to block card creation in a pipe

  • September 18, 2020
  • 2 replies
How to block card creation in a pipe
Nicole Chiroli
Pipefy Staff

Hello everyone! How are you doing today? It’s Nico from the Customer Support team again to teach you another Pipefy tip. :hugging:


Did you ever have a pipe that you wanted to “archive”? Maybe your process in that pipe is over or you put a temporariy stop on it and you really just wanted to prevent people from creating cards on this pipe. 


Well, I have a solution for you. 


You can use mandatory/required statement fields to do so. 


When creating a statement field from inside the edition of the start form there is the option to make the field required. aoDdPaOfIO02J4UMuUSdztfsqwf5uEcdekpI_HQj7QN9lfUjaEAWPMCWV3gy-UTNTnuJfdcC7ZYbVD2QBj3MDNHo7LOwNhCPn5KgqD2OBEmCmkbzsr6OMPuKVNhVnTKstfU5FiOX


The logic is, since you are making required a field that allows no action to it, it can’t process. 


One way to use it is either delete or hide all of your form fields using field conditionals (if you are in the business plan or up), so you don’t lose your data and leave just the statement field in evidence explaining to your coworkers they can no more use this pipe, for example. 


You can use this feature in your pipes as well as in your databases!

Also, sometimes people accidentally select the statement field as mandatory and then come to us in the chat because cards are not being created. So this is also a tip for you in case you have a problem with your start form just “loading” and not creating cards. Make sure you have no statement fields that are marked as required. :wink:

I am glad to share these tips with you, I hope it is useful! 

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2 replies

  • Pipefy Certified Partner
  • 136 replies
  • February 1, 2021

@Camila Ortiz @Janaina_Barreto 

Olha essa dica que legal.
A ideia é criar um texto fixo como campo obrigatório, assim ele fica bloqueado pra novos registros temporariamente ou até que que reconfigure pra receber novos cards.

  • Pipefy Legend
  • 1465 replies
  • March 13, 2023

Dica valiosa!

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