Hey folks!
I am pleased to announce that we have just released the new Dynamic Content field type, improving collaboration between your team and external guests by providing context and informing submitters of what’s expected to be filled in the form.
How does it work?
We improved the existing Statement field, and users can now mix both rich text and dynamic fields from other phases in their pipe, writing custom messages and instructions pulling information dynamically from the card’s start form fields and previous phases.
For example: If an external guest receives a form that contains an approval request, this fields can be used to describe what they are supposed to approve, who is requesting that approval, how much it will cost, and so on.This information is usually shared in the body of the email template and is now much better placed to ensure the quality of the received data.Check out the articles below to learn more about the new Dynamic content field type:
How to use dynamic content field in a form: http://help.pipefy.com/en/articles/5760304-how-to-use-dynamic-content-field-in-a-formPT
Como usar o campo de conteúdo dinâmico em um formulário http://help.pipefy.com/pt-BR/articles/5760304-como-usar-o-campo-de-conteudo-dinamico-em-um-formulario
Feel free to reach out to our team in case of any doubts.