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API call | exportPipeReport | I'not retrieving ID from json return

Diego Anselmo Saiotti




I’m trying to recover one specific info from a POST that i’ve done.

import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = {"query": "mutation {exportPipeReport(input: { pipeId:\"XXXXX\", pipeReportId: \"XXXXX\"}) {pipeReportExport {id}}}"}
headers = {
    "Authorization": "Bearer XXXX",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)
data = json.loads(response.text)

Id_relatorio = data['data']


I’m using python 3, but i can only recover the entire data: 

  "data": {
    "exportPipeReport": {
      "pipeReportExport": {
        "id": "302968765"


Do you have any idea how to manipulate the returning JSON, with python, in order to print only the “ID” info?



Best answer by João Nicolete


You can do it like this: 

 Id_relatório = data['data']['exportPipeReport']['pipeReportExport']['id']

That way you will retrieve just the id value from the JSON. 

Let us know if that works or if you run throught any problems.

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2 replies

João Nicolete
Pipefy Staff


You can do it like this: 

 Id_relatório = data['data']['exportPipeReport']['pipeReportExport']['id']

That way you will retrieve just the id value from the JSON. 

Let us know if that works or if you run throught any problems.

Diego Anselmo Saiotti

WOW! Tks! Worked fine!

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