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Number of Columns via API

  • 7 December 2023
  • 5 replies


Is there any limitation on returning columns via the API?

I didn't find anything about it in the API documentation, but when querying a table with many columns (+100), some columns are not appearing in the query.

Hey Lucas!

Because of the pagination, the command will only show the first 50. 
  table_records(table_id: "shhs" first: 50, after:"end-cursor"){

This is why the command with more than 100 is not returning all the values for you

Hey @graziela.sabatini

The problem is with columns, not rows.

My code already has pagination.

Hello @Lucas Democh, how are you? 


We've forwarded your question to the technical team who will gather more information to help you, ok? 

Thanks for waiting 


Hello @Lucas Democh,

As far as I've been able to confirm, there is no such limitation on our API's responses, I also tried, but I couldn't replicate a scenario where the API response limited the response, without it being a pagination matter.

Could you please contact our support and take your scenario and the API response to one of our analysts so that we can conduct a more detailed investigation into your problem?

Thank you in advance!

Ok @Jean Silva , I'm going to open the case in support to assess what is happening.

Thanks for help!

