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Adding buttons to email template

Hi guys, how do you add 2 buttons ‘Approve’ & ‘Reject’ to the email Template.  Please can you also add a screenshot of the coding with your illustration.  Thanks

36 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hi @genietim, let me try that now, thanks


Userlevel 6
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Hi @genietim remember when i said I only got Options of General Functions:

Will keep trying to get that approval option

Userlevel 6
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Hi @genietim, its just running (where it says stop), does it normally take long?



Userlevel 7
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Hi @TMZ ,

it normally stops as soon as the link (again, the one you see next to the blue sphere icon / the one you get when clicking on the grey “Copy address to clipboard”, with “?cardId=1233&approval=Approved” added) was opened.

You should see something like “Accepted” when you open the link. You can then close the tab with it again.


Userlevel 6
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Hi @genietim, I’m getting accepted

The only part I’m not sure about is where i put this “?cardId=1233&approval=Approved” because its not stopping and you getting ‘Successfully determined’

Userlevel 7
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The only part I’m not sure about is where i put this “?cardId=1233&approval=Approved” because its not stopping and you getting ‘Successfully determined’


You have the URL, the webhook given by Make, let’s say (example),, as listed in blue or as copied when clicking “Copy address to clipboard”.

And now, rather than opening that link in the browser, you add ?cardId=1233&approval=Approved to it, and open

instead. You can just in the menu bar of your browser, where the URL is, click into it and paste the ?cardId=1233&approval=Approved at the end.

Userlevel 6
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Hi @genietim,  got that. do I add the new URL

The blue hyperlink wont allow any editing

Userlevel 7
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No need to edit that, keep all as is in Make for the moment. Just in your browser, that’s where you want to open the new link with the data.


To explain what happens: The link you got from Make is called a Webhook; it’s an URL that can be opened, with or without data, which will then trigger the whole scenario in Make. Now, you want that the scenario knows which card to edit, and whether the card should be accepted or rejected. For this, we can pass data to the Webhook; this data always changes, for each card, as for each card another card must have its field changed. The process you are currently doing intends to show Make that normally, the data you have in your link, contains info called “cardId” and for “approval”. The value of the data is not relevant, it will change each time the link is opened from another card; we just want to tell Make that we have this data, and that it should allow us to work with this data in the subsequent actions (i.e., the Pipefy card field update in this case).

Userlevel 6
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Hi @genietim it says ‘Access denied from this IP’ when I put that extended link to my browser


Userlevel 7
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@TMZ yes, I assume that’s because you did not remove the IP restriction you added in the last screenshot you sent :)


I.e., this field:

you want that it’s empty!

Userlevel 6
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Much appreciated @genietim the buttons now work, that was some very mind boggling stuff lol

