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Everything you need to know about ideation on the Pipefy Community


We are committed and excited to partner with our community to develop a better product. This category is the best place for you to share your ideas and discuss them with other community members and Pipefy staff. 


Before you submit an idea:


🔎Search (please)

We hope you have checked if someone already submitted an idea like yours. 🙂 


📝Describe your idea with as much detail as possible

Sometimes a screenshot can say more than a million words. 😉 The richer your description, the more likely we and others will immediately know what you mean (and the higher the chances someone will vote for your idea).


💡One idea at a time

Please do not submit multiple ideas in one topic. Otherwise, it becomes messy and nobody knows which feature people who voted actually want to be implemented. 


👉🏼What is the process we use to evaluate ideas?

When you submit a new idea, it will have the New Status. Within a couple of weeks, the product team will have a look at your idea. After the first review, we will change the status of the idea to reflect our plans with it.


An idea will get one of the following states:

  • Under Consideration - The idea has been reviewed and we think the idea is interesting, but we are not ready yet to decide whether we want to do something with it. 
  • Submitted  - The idea was analyzed and we liked it a lot and it was submitted for analysis.
  • In Progress  - The idea is actively being built on by our product team.
  • Not planned - The idea is not in our plans at the moment.
  • Released - The idea has been implemented and is available.
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