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Suggestio to an additional data type for Due To.

Ezequiel Souza

Hi Pipefy Dev team


I would like to suggest an additional data type for Due To.

The current version the type Due To has date and time. 

Is possible create a variation without time, just Date, because some demands just require date the time is irrelevant.

Other option is use a calendar where it’s defined the labor time and use this to avoid situations like this:

The demand is opened 06/06/2022 11:04 and the Due to, based on SLA (3 days), the calculation will be:

06/06/2022 11:04 + 3 days = 06/09/2022 11:04, but the labor time finish @18h the SLA should be 

06/06/2022 11:04 + 3 days = 06/09/2022 18:00 or just 06/06/2022 11:04 + 3 days = 06/09/2022.

I hope that can understandable.

Let me know if need further information.


2 replies

Veronica Marin
Pipefy Staff

Hi Ezequiel,  that’s an excellent idea to improve our product. I have logged your feedback internally to analyze it carefully.

Veronica Marin
Pipefy Staff

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