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Enable Automations to Fill Values from Connected Pipe's Cards


When creating automations, one of the possible actions is “update a field’s value”, “create a new card or record” as well as “create a new connected card or record”. In all three cases, connected database entries can be used as dynamic input for the fields’ values.

But: one cannot use the values of connected pipe’s cards or their fields. I don’t quite understand why and would like to be able to use them.

One can actually use them for autocomplete of new connected cards with the “autofill” feature, but not with automations.

2 replies

Desirée Hoppe
Pipefy Staff

Hello @genietim ! How are you? 

I made some tests here and I agree with you - there are some improvements that could be made on it.

I'll submit your idea and share your feedback internally. 

Thank you! 


Desirée Hoppe
Pipefy Staff
Updated idea statusNewSubmitted

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