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🌟 News | Automation event improved

  • 4 March 2022
  • 4 replies
🌟 News | Automation event improved

Hello, everyone. 

Today we come with a minor yet huge improvement in automations.  

Previously, when creating automation with the event "when a card enters a phase" if the card was being created tstart form] the automation wouldn't work because, technically, the card couldn't 'enter the phase' if it was not created yet and it would require to change the automation event to "when a card is created".

Confusing, right? :thinking: We had many support tickets with this problem, and we'd need to explain the problem was in the 'logic' behind the start form is not a phase. :sweat:

To fix this problem and prevent friction, we have now allowed cards from the start form to work with both events. No matter if you select "when a card is created" or "when a card enters a phase" for cards coming from the start form, the automation will work regardless.

In case you find any problems with new or current automations, please open a card with our support team immediately. Thank you! :hugging:  

4 replies

Userlevel 4

Perfect timing for me! I just activated two automations to create a card in one pipe when a card "arrives" at another pipe. I used "card created" in one and "card enters phase" on other.

Awesome Pipefy team!

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Love to see this implementation already being put to good use @paulonavarro! :hugging:

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Very good! Thanks for this improvement.

Userlevel 4

Nice! Always good to see the dev team is bringing new features!

Keep on the good work! 
