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📣 We want to hear from you! How does Pipefy help you manage your requests?

📣 We want to hear from you! How does Pipefy help you manage your requests?
Pipefy Staff

Hello, Pipefy community ✨


We would love to know more about the way you use Pipefy to handle requests from other teams, customers, or vendors, so I invite you to post below with the following info: 


  • Company name

  • Process name

  • What problems were you facing before using Pipefy?

  • What solution did you use before Pipefy?

  • What was wrong with that solution that made you look for something else?

  • What are the main benefits of using Pipefy?

  • How do you use our platform?*

  • Testimonial


*If you want to share screenshots, please be careful with sensitive data.


I can’t wait to read more about your use case! 🤩

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6 replies

Ezequiel Souza

Hi Letícia


  • Company name: PwC

  • Process name: Customer Demand, Change Management, Shift Management, Compliance/Operational Incidents Management, Use Case Track Management

  • What problems were you facing before using Pipefy? Missing: SLA Calendar (to configure business days only), update the Due to using automation, Request Tracker with authentication and others that I have submitted in the Community.

  • What solution did you use before Pipefy? N/A

  • What was wrong with that solution that made you look for something else? Mentioned in the problems

  • What are the main benefits of using Pipefy? Process management, save time using automations

  • How do you use our platform?* N/A

  • Testimonial: N/A

With regards.

  • Regular Participant
  • 1 reply
  • September 1, 2022
  • Nome da empresa: LibraPort Campinas S/A

  • Nome do processo: Gestão de incidentes/solicitações de TI; Pipeline de vendas; Controle de documentação aduaneira e outros

  • Quais problemas você estava enfrentando antes de usar o Pipefy? Grande fluxo de e-mails, não gerenciamento de SLA e dificuldade de gerar KPI’s

  • Qual solução você usou antes do Pipefy? CAPWorkflow (Iteris)

  • O que havia de errado com aquela solução que o fez procurar outra coisa? Solução não low code ou no code.

  • Quais são os principais benefícios de usar o Pipefy? Solução end user de fácil parametrização

  • Como você usa nossa plataforma? N/A

  • Testemunho: Transformou nosso negócio!

Eder Silvério
  • Regular Participant
  • 1 reply
  • September 1, 2022

Olá, somos da empresa Nossa Seguros!


Implementamos os processos comercial, cadastro, cobrança, sinistro, gerência, financeiro e RH.
Nossas maiores dificuldades estava em perda de informações, demora na execução devido ao transito de informações também demorar a chegar em outras áreas. Controle e mensuração de produção. Tentamos utilizar outras ferramentas que auxiliassem mais sem sucesso devido as faltas de automações que facilitam o transito de informações.
A falta de aprimoramento na solução anterior, nos fizeram procurar por outra solução.
Os principais benefícios de usar o Pipefy estão nas automações e possibilidades de integrações entre pipes, envio de e-mail, interação entre membros do time.
Utilizamos 100% dos nossos processos na plataforma. Tarefas são criadas para outros times, gerência está atenta aos negócios para possíveis intervenções e os relatórios nos possibilitam entendermos os dados e tomar decisões.

O Pipefy veio na hora certa, com o crescimento da nossa empresa pudemos ter maior ganho de performance e agilidade.

Eder Silvério 


Hello Pipefy community!


  • Company name: Pibernat Logística

  • Process name: Gestão Logística e Aduaneira

  • What problems were you facing before using Pipefy: We were facing a classic problem of logistics tracking and unlinear working process. 

  • What solution did you use before Pipefy: Excel only

  • What was wrong with that solution that made you look for something else: We could keep pace with the dynamics of logistics with only table sheets, we needed some visual organization and notifications to integrate the team. 

  • What are the main benefits of using Pipefy: Organization, visualization and interconectivity.

  • How do you use our platform: Keeping all our customers integrated with every single step of logistcs. 

  • Testimonial: We’ve been using the platform a little more than 2 years and the benefits were perceived financially and our organization grew a little more confident with customers by providing automation processes using simple data visualization based on pipefy. 

Thank you everyone! 

  • Regular Participant
  • 4 replies
  • September 1, 2022
  • Company name: Advocaat Nathalie Verherstraeten
  • Process name:
    • Manage administration of and legal reporting about legal guardianships
      • Process Scanned Documents to Onedrive archive backend:
        • Manual identification of the scanned document
          • Attribute related sender, case, receiver
          • Type of document: letter, invoice, etc.
        • Distribute documents to Onedrive in correct client/case folder
        • Distribute invoices to Pipefy process invoice management
      • Invoice Management for each guardianship
        • Automatically create invoices from identified scans and determine bank account to use
        • Manually enrich invoices with amount, due date and reference
        • Track invoice payments and soon to be overdue invoices
        • Track installments of payment of invoices
      • Report management for each guardianship
        • Track which yearly reports and the associated status
        • Track invoices to be made based on yearly reports
  • What problems were you facing before using Pipefy?
    • We had absolutely no idea how many letters, invoices, etc. we received and processed for every person under guardianship.
    • We had no idea how many invoices had to be paid every week (now we know EVERY moment of the day what our upcoming workload is).
    • We sometimes lost documents
  • What solution did you use before Pipefy?
    • Outlook
    • Excel
    • Microsoft To do
    • Paper, paper and paper!
  • What was wrong with that solution that made you look for something else?
    • No overview
    • Space and time consuming to archive paper files
    • Documents/invoices that were lost
    • Different systems
  • What are the main benefits of using Pipefy?
    • The ability to create a supporting process tailored to our needs which results in: 
      • Instant overview of the work to be done
      • Instant overview of the work that has been done
      • Correct and intime payment of invoices that has improved drastically
  • How do you use our platform?
    • We use a combination of Make, Pipefy and OneDrive
  • Testimonial:
    • I’m one of the users/designers of the processes myself! :)


  • Ideas for future processes:
    • Authorisation of external expense requests in legal guardianships
    • eSigning of documents

Juliana Spinardi
Pipefy Staff

Hey, community! Thanks for sharing the processes with us!  We are closing the topic, and in a few days, you all will receive your voucher! Thanks a lot

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