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📢 Overdue alerts for weekday

📢 Overdue alerts for weekday
Lais Laudari

This new allow pipe admins to have different SLAs for demands on their processes, while maintaining these SLAs accounting for weekdays only.

Use case (examples):

  • Purchase process: Applying rules of due date like: Urgent purchases - 5 weekdays, Normal purchases - 10 weekdays;
  • HR request: Applying rules of due date like: Vacation request - must be approved on 3 weekdays, Address update - can be completed up to 5 weekdays;

Feature Description:
When you turn on the option “Alerts will count from Monday to Friday” inside pipe settings, this will reflect on the 3 types of SLA we have today:

> Expired alert (maximum time (SLA) for a card to be finished in the pipe)
> Late alert (maximum time (SLA) for a card to stay in a phase) 
> Overdue alert (limit date for each card to be finished (based on the Due date field))

Besides the due dates filled by automation or autofill consider only weekdays, people filling a due date manually won’t be able to select Saturdays nor Sundays. It will be blocked to click on them either on a field (on start form, phases, public form, public phase form) or at the card’s attribute.

What was changed?
Before, when setting up a relative date automation (or autofill) it would account for all calendar days in any scenario. We also added more contextual help on tooltips when setting this up, to make the behaviors clearer for customers.

For what kind of customers? All customer base.

3 replies

Ezequiel Souza

It’s working!!! So good!


Very good!!!!!

  • Pipefy Legend
  • 1465 replies
  • August 23, 2023


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