Hi, I’m trying to update/add assignee to a table record field using their contact ID but I’ve been struggling terribly. I can update/add other record fields, using setTableRecordFieldValue, such as email address and phone numbers but the assignee one return empty value ({'data': {'setTableRecordFieldValue': {'table_record': {'id': 'record_id', 'title': 'record_name'}, 'table_record_field': {'value': '[]'}}}}).
I’m really new to this pipefy api, can anyone please help?
Setting assignee via contact id number to a table record field
Best answer by genietim
The `value` field is an array. This means, if you want to add multiple assignees, you would set the value to `value: [{theIdOfTheAssignee1},
`, etc.
If you want to add to the current value, you will have to query the current value and then just set the value to the existing array with the addition of the assignees you want to add.
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