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Send attachments to e-mail

  • genietim
  • Juliana Spinardi
    Juliana Spinardi
  • Ezequiel Souza
    Ezequiel Souza
  • rafael.jefte
  • vicente-lemes

I have a process where my clients fill a public form and add attatchments to it, and I need to send these attatchments to some partners via e-mail but there’s no way to automate this process because if there is more than one attatchment the button inside the e-mail template won’t work.


In the example below I have 2 files attached to this field.

When I insert the field inside the e-mail template it is actually 2 links, one for each file, I can’t leave the links exposed because it’s ugly and I can’t transform it to a button because it won’t work, it only works with one file attached.


What happens when I click the button:


Suggestion: create an option to send the attachements in a .zip or .rar format instead of each file individually.

5 replies


Um exemplo recente de outro usuário: 


  • Pipefy Legend
  • 412 replies
  • May 31, 2022

Rodrigo Leite
Pipefy Staff

Hi @vicente-lemes , how is it going?

Yes, it is not good having the attachment links on the email body. Actually we need to have a way when you are creating an email template to consider the attachment field as part of the email attachment area. So, instead of having the attachments address exposed, we could bring the files already attached on the email.


I'm going to submit this improvement and redirect it to the PM responsible for emails.

Thanks and regards,


Rodrigo Leite

Product Manager

Rodrigo Leite
Pipefy Staff
Updated idea statusNewSubmitted

Cesar Backes - Stella

Esse erro acontece para mim geralmente quando pessoal coloca a extensão do arquivo em maiúsculo.

o sistema não consegue reconhecer a extensão e da erro.


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