Hi, I'm using node, and I got the example in the documentation, but when I run it, it gives me this error, and on the site where the example is executed, it's running normally.
Link example: https://developers.pipefy.com/reference/graphql-endpoint
sdk['graphql-endpoint']({ query: '{allCards(pipeId: 302194528){edges{node{id}}}}'}, { Authorization: 'Bearer *token*'}) .then(res => console.log(res)) .catch(err => console.error(err))
> '0': {
> instancePath: '/paths',
> schemaPath: '#/additionalProperties',
> keyword: 'additionalProperties',
> params: { additionalProperty: '' },
> message: 'must NOT have additional properties',
> isIdentifierLocation: true
> },
> stack: 'SyntaxError: OpenAPI schema validation failed.\n' +
> '\n' +
> 'ADDITIONAL PROPERTY must NOT have additional properties\n' +
> '\n' +
> ' 24 | ],\n' +
> ' 25 | "paths": {\n' +
> '> 26 | "": {\n' +
> ' | ^^ is not expected to be here!\n' +
> ' 27 | "post": {\n' +
> ' 28 | "summary": "Example",\n' +
> ' 29 | "description": "",\n' +
> message: 'OpenAPI schema validation failed.\n' +
> '\n' +
> 'ADDITIONAL PROPERTY must NOT have additional properties\n' +
> '\n' +
> ' 24 | ],\n' +
> ' 25 | "paths": {\n' +
> '> 26 | "": {\n' +
> ' | ^^ is not expected to be here!\n' +
> ' 27 | "post": {\n' +
> ' 28 | "summary": "Example",\n' +
> ' 29 | "description": "",',
> length: 1,
> concat: [Function: concat],
> copyWithin: [Function: copyWithin],
> fill: [Function: fill],
> find: [Function: find],
> findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
> lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
> pop: [Function: pop],
> push: [Function: push],
> reverse: [Function: reverse],
> shift: [Function: shift],
> unshift: [Function: unshift],
> slice: [Function: slice],
> sort: [Function: sort],
> splice: [Function: splice],
> includes: [Function: includes],
> indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
> join: [Function: join],
> keys: [Function: keys],
> entries: [Function: entries],
> values: [Function: values],
> forEach: [Function: forEach],
> filter: [Function: filter],
> flat: [Function: flat],
> flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
> map: [Function: map],
> every: [Function: every],
> some: [Function: some],
> reduce: [Function: reduce],
> reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
> at: [Function: at],
> toJSON: [Function: toJSON],
> details: [
> {
> instancePath: '/paths',
> schemaPath: '#/additionalProperties',
> keyword: 'additionalProperties',
> params: [Object],
> message: 'must NOT have additional properties',
> isIdentifierLocation: true
> }
> ],
> name: 'SyntaxError',
> toString: [Function: toString],
> [Symbol(Symbol.iterator)]: [Function: values],
> [Symbol(Symbol.unscopables)]: [Object: null prototype] {
> copyWithin: true,
> entries: true,
> fill: true,
> find: true,
> findIndex: true,
> flat: true,
> flatMap: true,
> includes: true,
> keys: true,
> values: true,
> at: true
> }
> }