To create the webhook, just run the command below:
mutation {
createWebhook(input: {
actions: ["card.create"],
name: "Record Creation Webhook",
table_id: 123456,
url: ""
}) {
webhook {
One of the command parameters is the URL that will receive the payload (endpoint).
More information at:
Hi Lucas,
thank you for taking the time to help me out!
I have seen and read that page a number of times but what i missed was “where” do i run this command?
In the meantime i found out i should actually do that in this interface ?
to me this looked like some kind of testing environment but it does seem to work.
In a few other tools we use in the company these things can be done as a functionality right in the admin interface. Activate the feed, paste your url, save … So i spent quite some time looking for that
. Might be a good tip for the pipefy roadmap to point to that url from the admin, build this functionality, or provide some explanation or context
On the page
Thanks again !
You can use the GraphyQL interface to create the Webhooks, but you can also run this command in a local notebook or on a clound platform (GCP, AWS, Azure ETC).
I agree with you that a function to create webhooks within the platform itself would help a lot.
Another alternative to facilitate the creation of Webhooks is the use of integration platforms such as Zapier or Integromat/Make. In them, the Webhook is created automatically (according to Pipefy's public documentation).