Hello Alexandre, good morning!
We don't have an endpoint to receive webhooks. When we talk about webhooks here at Pipefy, we only talk about sending wh from our platform, not the opposite.
The test you did is valid because you used our api/graphql, if you can handle it from your side so the request arrives in our api, with the credentials and the graphql payload, it will work. Otherwise, we have no other alternative at the moment.
Thank You!
I was able to do this using these settings:
- endpoint: https://api.pipefy.com/graphql
- authentication method: bearer token (my token created in the Pipefy API)
- request method: POST
- request format: JSON
Sending this JSON:
{ "query": "mutation { moveCardToPhase( input: { card_id: <id> destination_phase_id: <id>}) {card {id current_phase { name } } } }" }
And it worked! The phase was moved successfull. However, I can't do this with the createComment mutation... when trying this code, I get an error:
{ "query": "mutation{ createComment(input: { clientMutationId: <id> card_id: <id> text: "text"}) { clientMutationId }}" }
Hi @alexandre-cominoti
Your problem you describe in your most recent comment is completely separate from the first one, right?
To successfully create the comment, you are apparently lacking some comments.
This works, for example:
mutation {
createComment(input: {
card_id: "<yourId>",
text: "<Test>",
clientMutationId: "<some id>"
}) {
What is the error you get?