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📚 Access The Pipefy Integrations Library, ready to be customized on Workato

  • August 15, 2022
  • 1 reply
📚 Access The Pipefy Integrations Library, ready to be customized on Workato
Pipefy Staff

Hello, Pipefy Community,


We bring great news: now, you can access a library of pre-built integration recipes ready to be customized in Workato.


Workato is an IPasS (Integration Platform as a Service) solution that allows the development of integrations between multiple softwares with Pipefy. If you would like to check out the most used recipes (name given for the integration structure) by our customers or create your own recipes, this library is the ideal place for you to access our best practices.


One of Pipefy's objectives is to empower doers, for you to be able to create more sophisticated solutions that solve your problems. With that in mind, we shared our knowledge, leaving our main recipes available in the library. In addition to that, all of them were customized with comments and a video explaining how the configuration should be done.


The video is available on the first step, which is below the trigger in Workato, of all the recipes in the library.


To access the library you need to have access to Workato. If you do not have that access, talk to our team so that you can acquire this service, If you already have access to Workato, on the left hand menu, click on "Community Library ''. You can also click here to have direct access to the library.



There are more than 50 recipes shared both in Portuguese and english. Every week we will post here on the community a new integration and we can leverage this space to exchange information related to the topic.

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