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Dynamic fields in reports

Alex K

Reports would be a lot more useful if they allowed dynamic fields in the same way that the email templates do. 

Let’s say I have a pipe where each card represents a speaker session in a conference. Each session card has a database connection to its speaker’s contact details in a Contacts database. With a dynamic field in the report, I could produce a report which lists WHEN the speaking slot is (from the speaker session pipe) as well as the speaker’s PHONE NUMBER (from the Contacts database), or so I’d guess? 

I am currently losing a lot of time on copying fields between databases and pipes, both automatically and (even worse) manually – with risk of typing errors and update mismatches. 

3 replies


I liked this idea! It would be really useful.

Nicole Chiroli
Pipefy Staff

Hello, @Alex K.

Great idea! I am logging the suggestion internally and sending it to the responsible team!


Nicole Chiroli
Pipefy Staff
Updated idea statusNewSubmitted

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