Auto expanding fields

When registering a new client, it’s often necessary to allow more than one email and phone field, for instance.



It would be interesting if we could set fields to be auto expanding the same way we can hide them. I imagine the functionality to work pretty much the same way that the select field creation works, whereas if data is inputted, a field for a new option is created.


@Nithael Sampaio Thank you for your feedback. I can see this being valuable to process were you have the option to insert multiple information. Could you please provide to me more details of the process you're managing?


I know it's not the perfect solution, but you can try to use the database to allow customers to create multiple records of groups of information. (E.g., first record (name, email, city), second record (name, email, city)

Thank you very much for your attention @Raphael Costa :smile:

The registering process culminates in using the information for pdf and email templates, today we are using database connections and automations to autofill text fields to use the data for that purpose, when possible. We’re currently allowing only 3 email entries in our database since it’s somewhat counterproductive creating a whole new database table for emails and phone numbers, connect them, and still need the automations to fill a text field.