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How to design a Success Plan to achieve your goals with Pipefy

  • September 29, 2020
  • 1 reply
How to design a Success Plan to achieve your goals with Pipefy
Community Manager

The Success Plan is a document in which you register your company’s goals for implementing Pipefy. It’s the groundwork for measuring what you want to achieve once you start using the new tool. In this article, you’ll learn how to design your own Success Plan, so you and your team can map and track your expectations and goals.

How important is the Success Plan?

When you list the criteria that are non-negotiable to determine whether or not you have achieved success, you’ll have a parameter for comparing your company’s operation before and after Pipefy’s implementation. After mapping your desired outcomes, you will be able to customize and improve your processes in a clearer and more organized way.


Step by step to create your Success Plan:

  1. Define What Success Looks Like

It’s important to be clear about what you expect from the platform you have purchased. What problems are you trying to solve and what are the expected results? This way, you will be able to answer the first question in your Success Plan: What success looks like for your company with Pipefy? 


For example, your goal may be to have more control over your operations, measure process metrics, or have full visibility of your team's tasks and projects.

  1. Design the Operation Scenario
    Reflect on your processes and pain points prior to implementing Pipefy. How was work done? How were processes managed? Did you use another platform, spreadsheets, or paper tracking? What were the company’s weaknesses and strengths?


  1. Set Goals
    Define the goals you want to achieve with Pipefy. After defining your goals, it will be easier to visualize your end-state and customize your processes based on your unique needs. Pro tip: set goals that are simple and measurable.


Some common goals are; automating tasks, maintaining status visibility, improving communication between teams, eliminating manual tasks, etc.

  1. List Processes to be Managed
    List the main processes you want to manage with Pipefy. These can be high-level definitions of your processes, like financial processes, HR processes, etc. Or you could choose to be more specific and detail each of the processes you would like to manage, like purchases, accounts payable, recruitment and hiring, etc. It is entirely up to you.

  2. Analyze Risks

Think about the main factors that could compromise the usability and implementation of your new tool. One common risk is the lack of adoption by end-users. Change can lead to resistance. This is something to consider before it becomes a problem. To avoid resistance, consider explaining Pipefy’s benefits and the improvements the team will experience as a result of using the new tool.

To help design your Success Plan, you can use this template to structure a plan to present to your team explaining what a Pipefy implementation plan would entail. You can also use this document as the foundation for preparing another Success Case in the future.

Can the Success Plan change over time? 

It can and it should! When you purchase a new tool, it’s common to have a problem you need to solve as quickly as possible. After that problem is solved, it makes sense to evaluate areas to add value to your company by using the tool in other ways. Whether it’s optimizing existing processes or expanding the tool to other teams in your company. You might even consider integrating processes that are currently independent of one another. 


Get started on your path to Pipefy success by building your Success Plan.


Written by: Camila Costa (CSM) and Flávia Andrade (CSM)

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Juliana Spinardi
Pipefy Staff

What a  excellent article, @fla.andrade 
Thanks for sharing with us!! :blush:

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