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Is it possible add attachments to specific Card using Graphql?

I can update Card… add comments.. but I could not add attachments.. :(

If possible, could you give an example…





Hi Roger,

Unfortunally, it’s not possible to add attachments in a card using GraphiQl only by custom integrations.

Ok Julia,

Thanks for replying..

How custom integration works? Is it a paid service?

I’m integrationg our Omnichannel (CallSys) system with Pipefy…





I am an expert in custom integrations and a Pipefy partner.


I confess that I've never done an integration to fill in attachments, but I'm going to do some tests to evaluate possibilities and bring news here.


Custom integrations are services provided by Pipefy's specialist team or by partners such as Bowe. They are charged separately.

Yes, it is possible with GraphQL.

There are a few questions with examples already here in the Community (e.g.:


), though to summarize, the easiest way is to either follow the documentation ( or the following list:

Step 1: Upload

The upload works as described on this page:

First, request the URL to upload to:

mutation {
createPresignedUrl(input: { organizationId: 123, fileName: "MyDocument.pdf" }){

Then, do the upload:

curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/pdf'
--data 'BINARY_DATA'

curl -v --upload-file SampleFile.pdf ''

Then, assign the file to a card field:

mutation {
updateCardField(input: {card_id: 123, field_id: "attachment_field", new_value: "orgs/8bd9ce63-a26b-412f-9d27-3a5776e3e16e/uploads/45da74d5-0e92-4e1c-a04e-26acc97169a3/SampleFile.pdf"]}) {

Feel free to ask more questions if it is not clear yet or if I misunderstood your request.

Hello @genietim 

Great… I’ll try ..



