I want to add a specific label to a card a using the API.
I have found this: https://pipefypipe.docs.apiary.io/#reference/0/update-card and this https://api-docs.pipefy.com/reference/mutations/updateCard/.
The part I am unsure if if I am required to send “all the basic information” including the new label … or … if there is a way t ouse the API to “Add X Label”?
Doeos it need to be:
mutation{ updateCard( input: { id: 2762646 title: "New Title" due_date: "2017-08-20T21:00:00+00:00" assignee_ids: [00000] label_ids: [890073] } ) { card { id title } } }
Or can it it just be
mutation{ updateCard( input: { id: 2762646 label_ids: [890073] } ) { card { id title } } }
with 890073 being the ID of the new label. :)
Also, how can I find the ID of a label without using the API?
Thank you for your help