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Hey guys!

Currently, you can share a phase form via email using the feature: {{card.current_phase_public_link}}, which works great when the card is in the form phase.

I would like to know if it is possible to share the link for a specific phase even when the card is in another phase. For example:

If the card is in the "Inbox" phase and I want to share the form from that phase, I can use the {{card.current_phase_public_link}} feature.

However, if the card is in the "Doing" phase and I want to share the form from the "Inbox" phase, is there a sound feature for this? Something like {{card."Inbox"_phase_public_link}} or {{card.327890003_phase_public_link}}.

@ph.alves Hello! I sent the answer on this other topic ;) 

