[NOVO] Curso Pipefy AI
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Hello Everyone, I just need the query to do a card-table relation and a table-table relation
The Pipefy Summit 2021 is coming! Stay tuned!
Hi, members of our community I’d like to share the new improvements we’ve made for you to have an even better email experience. 1. Header with Icons only Now in shared inbox the selected email threads have less visual pollution in its upper tools bar, since we are displaying icons only. 2. Read / Unread emails filter on KanBan and List views Now in the Pipes' Kanban and List views filters there is a new filter available to allow doers to filter cards with read or unread messages on those views, and thus optimize their use flows. 3. Manual Refresh of Shared Email Inbox Now doers can manually refresh the shared email inbox and force the update of email threads and emails. 4. Threads Pagination Now doers don’t need to rely on infinite scrolling anymore to find past email threads. We implemented a simple email threads pagination component that allows users to navigate to older emails threads pages and look upon older emails. 5. Alert when replacing fields with email templates Now wh
Oi pessoal, será que é possível enviar cartões em massa do Trello para o Pipefy?
Bom dia pessoal, Preciso criar a seguinte condição numa automação: Gatilho: Quando o campo Z for atualizado.Condição: se um campo x for igual a um campo Y. Ação: atualizar um campo. Não estou conseguindo fazer essa automação porque preciso criar uma condição de igualdade entre dois campos presentes no pipefy. Não pode ser um valor fixo. Alguém tem alguma ideia de como posso contornar isso?
Hi Pipefy community,I’m a recent user of the platform and love it’s potential. I currently have one process running in Pipefy and overall it’s going super well. However I have a question / challenge for the group. Disclaimer - I have reached out to support, and while they were helpful and have offered a workround, it’s not really practical and sustainable. So hoping the larger community might have additional insights.Below is a screen shot of a portion of the flow. The 3 visible phases, Offer Made, Accepted - Retention, Accepted Trial.There are currently 17 cards sitting in Offer Made, all are “late” - having breached the SLA of 2 days. I have an automation to send an email once the SLA is breached - this works well. However a number of the cards have been sitting in this phase for over 1 week, for example. I now want to sent another reminder email to each card. This is the challenge - there is no way to send automated email, unless some activity happens with the card, such as “update
Olá…é possível construir uma automação do tipo:Se o campo x for igual a Londrina, atribuir o responsável X; se o mesmo campo x for igual a Curitiba, atribuir o responsável Y ?Tenho 8 possíveis responsáveis, dependendo da cidade em que atuam.
Hello,We want to be able to onboard a customer. As part of that, I understand we can use conditional logic to provide the correct information required from the customer.For example:As part of our start form, we will select multiple services we will provide to the customer; when these services are chosen in the form, we can add conditional logic that adds a new step to the form to capture the information required to for each service. Great!This step is where I get stuck; when we do this, we want to be able to assign the task / send the form to the new customer and ask them to complete the information.Is this possible by sharing a link with the cutomer to access the specific task/form asa guest? Also, can a guide be a part of the form for the customer or staff to follow, such as text, links, and videos to guide them to complete the form correctly? Lastly, can this work if we invite a guest user (customer) to the platform to complete tasks? Or is it simply through the portals as standard
Hi doers!This will be a rather lengthy explanation of my problem, whose TLDR is: Uploading Files via API leads to URLs containing a “org/”, which seems to make it impossible to set them as attachment sources using the GraphQL API. Here the full explanation: I am trying to send E-Mails using Pipefy GraphQL API. In general, I do not have any problems with this. I can send E-Mails even with attachments. BUT: only if the attachments were uploaded manually. I am not able to do the attachment when using files uploaded via GraphQL API. Step 1: Upload (works)The upload works as described on this page:First, I request the URL to upload to:mutation { createPresignedUrl(input: { organizationId: 123, fileName: "MyDocument.pdf" }){ clientMutationId url }}Then, I do the upload:curl --request PUT--url 'https://pipefy-production.s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/orgs/ce63-a26b-412f-9d27-3a5776e16e/uploads/45da74d3-0e92-4e1c-a04e-2acc97169a3/SampleFile.pdf?...Signature=fa76e8bf28f88d8ceec1df8219912e10
I get an error sayng text field must be 255 chars or less. Is there any way to store a long text in a Pipefy Databse record? Thanks.
Como incluir parcelamentos de forma automatica e nao manual ( todo mes ter que colcoar o valor da parcela)?
Boa tarde pessoal, Tudo bem? Estou tentando usar uma e-mail de caixa compartilhada para mascarar meus e-mails enviados pelo pipefy. Porém, os e-mails não estão indo de forma automática e quando tento enviar de forma manual aparece que algo deu errado durante o envio. Por ser um e-mail de caixa compartilhada eu não consigo utilizá-lo como máscara?
Have been using currency field with no issues but now the field is no longer allowing a 0.00 entry? It say field can’t be blank, but we are intentionally entering the value as 0.00.
Olá, estou tentando configurar o meu pipe para que quando faltar 30 dias para o vencimento do cartão, o vencimento fique em amarelo, e quando faltar 5 dias, fique vermelho. Porem não estou encontrando essa opção, de padrão, parece que fica amarelo quando falta 1 dia e vermelho no dia. Existe alguma forma de eu fazer essa configuração ?
Hello, everyone. You have asked and we heard you! We have received many feedback regarding being unlogged from the platform and having to log in every day. So, from now on, our session length will be 72 hours. This means that once you log in you'll only need to log in again after 3 days. We really do hope this will help your day to day work. Thank you!
Olá! Espero que estejam bem.Pessoal, fiz um relatório bem simples no Pipefy. O Pipe é de Solicitações de Atendimento.. Possui somente 4 fases. Precisava de uma lista de todos os cards de um determinado cliente.Fiz um relatório, selecionei os campos e pronto. Basta filtrar por nome que tenho o resultado.O problema é que tenho que exportar esse relatório para uma página do site do Wix, área logada.No Wix consigo abrir colocar um código HTML incorporado. Minha questão é:Eu consigo através do GraphQL obter o relatório que criei?
Anyone else with the pain of the pipes configured in the Portal, not respecting the parameter of the public form: Fill in with the answers from the last form answered?
If I have policies or procedure definitions in a tool like Confluence or SharePoint, would it be possible to link a phase to a relevant Confluence page. Take this example, the Pipefy phase says Create customer record. In Confluence or SharePoint I have the following guideline: Guidance for businesses collecting personal information for contact tracing https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/guidance-and-advice/guidance-for-businesses-collecting-personal-information-for-contact-tracingMy requirement: As a Pipefy user I want to be able to navigate from the applicable phase in Pipefy to the relevant policy or guideline so that I can complete my tasks effectively.Is this possible, if yes how do I do this? RegardsEtienne
Hello !I have a mail template with the Pedido ID (numeric)… how can I set de format of the number?,.. without decimals.. in the mail template?