Meet practitioners that are leveraging the same processes as you!
Olá, pessoalEstou recebendo essa mensagem ao tentar baixar um arquivo de um campo dinâmico do tipo Anexo no pipefy. Tentei obter ajuda com o suporte da pipefy, mas não obtive sucesso.Estou utilizando esse link num template de e-mail.o Arquivo é recente, então não entraria na regra de expirados que a pipefy implementouVou inserir um print com apenas uma parte do link {"code":401,"message":"UNAUTHORIZED"}
This new-hire onboarding checklist helps ensure new employees assimilate quickly and feel engaged. he first day at a new job can be a daunting experience for a new employee, as well as the co-workers responsible for integrating the newcomer. Onboarding new employees is critical for establishing engagement, retention, and productivity, so establishing a defined process for guiding all team members through this phase of the employee journey is paramount. It’s a journey that can take months to complete, but with a strategic onboarding checklist that takes advantage of automation, assimilating new hires can be a positive experience for new employees and human resources managers alike. What is employee onboarding?Employee onboarding is the process that ensures a new hire acquires the information, knowledge, tools, and resources they need to integrate successfully into an organization. Onboarding takes place over the course of a few months to a year, in a planned sequence of onboarding stage
Hi Team,I want to explore the pipefy as this is low code no code application where we can do the multiple things automate. It would be really great if it will guide me how I can achieve my self learning assignment though this Pipefy Tool.Import CSV and Excel file in pipefy : I tried to do this with importer application However, It only allow to import the Excel files. We need to do the Header mapping as headers are not in same order so, how can we achieve this through Pipefy. Once header mapping done then we need to store the each files of data into 2 tables in 1 Database : I am able to store data into Database through Excel sheet. however, for csv it is still question and header mappping once data is stored into 2 tables I have to compare 2 tables and findout the difference and stored it into the 3rd Table of that database. Once 3rd table created I need to export the 3rd table records. Can Anyone of your community will let me know how I can achieve this as I am exploring this things o
Olá, boa noite, minha empresa é toda gerenciada pelo pipefy, porém ainda não faço uso de Interações, e sei que não consigo fazer calculos basicos entre campos, pergunta? qual a melhor solução? Consigo deixar uma planilha na nuvem e tentar importar dados pra essa planilha com formulas e depois ler os dados dessa planilha já pronta, ou tentar integração com um software de erp mesmo?? trabalho bem com planilhas, é possivel eu importar dados para dentro de uma planilha na nuvem e depois ler ela já com os calculos feitos??
Boa tarde pessoal, venho compartilhar com vocês como realizar a configuração das automações de HTTP para realizar consultas de CEP. CONFIGURANDO A REQUISIÇÃO Para gatilho, utilizamos o que fizer mais sentido para seu processo. Como ação, iremos selecionar a opção “Faça uma requisição HTTP” e iremos realizar a seguinte configuração:Requisição para consulta de CEPMethod: GET URL:[CAMPO_DINAMICO_CEP]/json/ (utilize um campo numérico pois a informação deve ir apenas números) Authentication: No auth Header/Value: Não precisa preencher Tipo de conteúdo de requisição: JSON Request body: Não precisa preencher Response: Não precisa preencher (apenas caso deseje verificar o retorno da chamada. É uma boa pratica para verificar erros) JSON schema: Este campo será utilizado de base para dizer como é o retorno da chamada HTTP e será utilizado na configuração posterior da automação, sendo necessário para funcionar corretamente { "cep": "01001-000",
Olá, Comunidade! Confira essa super demonstração em como usar Pipefy para processos de compras! Pequenas empresas/Baixa maturidade de uso de software Grandes Empresas/Alta maturidade de uso de software Pagamento, Entrega e Recebimento - Visão Geral IntegraçõesSoftware Propósito Gatilho Ação Alternativas Workato Alternativas API Slack Notificações internas Aprovações Movimentação dos cards em geral Enviar notificações ao solicitante e aprovadores sobre atualização dos cards Solicitar aprovação via Slack MattermostMicrosoft TeamsQuip Discord DocuSign Enviar documentos para assinatura Movimentação do card para etapa de assinatura Enviar email via DocuSign ao responsável pela assinatura Upload do documento assinado no Pipefy ClicksignHelloSignPandaDoc ZohoSign Moxtra SignNow EverSign MostSign Whatsapp Aprovações Movimentação do card para aprovação do time Financeiro Solicitar aprovação do time Financeiro via Whatsapp SMSTake BlipCo
Despite being pretty straightforward concepts to grasp, latency and throughput can become very complex subjects when we dive into them.Even at a shallow glance, when we are dealing with systems’ design, they can lead to hard situations, and knowing them well can be the difference between a good and a bad architectural decision.So, without any further delay, let’s get started. So… what’s latency again?Latency can be understood as a simple delay between two desired events. These events can be whatever you want to measure, even if it’s not related to computer science, e.g., the time you take to read this article after you’ve decided to do it .For the sake of contextualization, we’ll refer to latency in this article as being always related to network communications through the Internet.It’s worth mentioning that we’re affected by latency in everything we do through the Internet, but in some way, we’re used to it. Things get worse when we actually notice this latency.Two good examples of ba
Customer relationship management (CRM) software is at the heart of your business’s marketing efforts. It keeps your business operations organized, provides a wealth of information about how your customers engage with your business, and helps to significantly raise your revenue when applied properly. Nucleus Research found that using CRM software earns businesses $8.71 for every dollar spent. That’s a pretty impressive ROI that shows how it literally pays to thoroughly understand and effectively use a CRM. In this post, we’ll help break down for you:What a CRM workflow is1 - How you can create a workflow for your business2 The difference between an action step and a CRM workflow3 - How creating workflows with automation can help your marketing strategy What is CRM Workflow? A CRM workflow is a series or collection of steps required to complete a business process such as making a sale or responding to a customer complaint. You can think of a CRM workflow as a line of dominoes you need
Hi, I´m new here, and I need to find all cards that have that field value, but also just return the ones in a specif phase. How can I do that? My query looks like that: findCards( pipeId: "301593112" search: {fieldId: "placa", fieldValue: "HJD3B23"} )
Oi, pessoal! Eu me chamo Ian e sou um dos copywriters aqui do Pipefy.Reuni neste artigo dicas de como criar fluxos de aprovação em um processo de compras. Você também pode conferir o artigo na íntegra logo abaixo: Tempo estimado de leitura: 5 minutos Fluxos de aprovação são rotineiros em processos de compras, pois compradores, líderes e gerentes precisam verificar e aprovar requisições de compras. Para obter maior velocidade, visibilidade de informações e um fluxo à prova de erros, é possível automatizar as aprovações e eliminar tarefas manuais, como pedir aprovações por email. Neste artigo, ensinamos você a criar um fluxo de aprovação automático, sendo que você pode adaptá-lo como quiser para atender as necessidades do time de Suprimentos. Ao clicar no botão de Automatizar, localizado no cabeçalho do pipe e depois em Criar uma nova automação, você pode configurar cenários variados de eventos e ações. Neste artigo, detalhamos como configurar dois fluxos de aprovação. Vamos abordar os
Employee onboarding is both a new hire experience and an HR process.For employees, onboarding is a process that unfolds over several months and sets new hires up for long-term success. For HR teams, it’s also a complex workflow that requires input and action from many departments, especially during the initial stage of onboarding.In this article, we’ll look at the stages of onboarding as a holistic, long-term strategy for hiring and retaining the best and brightest talent in today’s highly competitive market. We will also look at the initial onboarding workflow(s) and provide a common example of how it’s managed and how it might be improved. Why is employee onboarding so important?After a candidate accepts a job offer with a company, the stages of onboarding unfold to help orient and socialize the new hire. Onboarding provides space to set expectations and build relationships that will ideally result in long-term retention of a productive and happy employee.How well companies manage t
Companies and businesses of all sizes need a well-designed purchasing process to meet their needs in an efficient, cost-effective, and error-proof manner — regardless of their field. With purchase processes, it’s essential to have a standardized workflow that avoids fraud loopholes, eliminates risks, and ensures your purchase operation is in compliance with regulation and maintains compliance (by providing clear information for auditing). Whether it’s goods, services, or any other type of purchase order, organizations must build a structured process to effectively manage costs with control, visibility, and governance. In this article, you will learn the steps to implement a streamlined, scalable purchasing process with Pipefy. Unlock quick-to-deploy workflows that prioritize expense control, improvement in your buyer-supplier relationship, automation of manual work and a seamless integration with your ERP. 1. Purchasing process definitionBefore diving into the purchasing process steps
A well-structured employee onboarding process is crucial to fostering a positive experience for new employees. It’s HR’s responsibility to provide a smooth process to represent your organization’s culture, introduce new and existing employees, and ensure new employees start their first days off right.That’s why it’s important to pay attention to your onboarding workflow because it depends on validations and checkpoints with other teams, such as IT, Finance, and others. The more spread out employee information is spread in different places, the more cumbersome this workflow becomes. In this article, we will take a step-by-step look at the onboarding process in Pipefy and understand how to efficiently implement it for your organization. 1. The beginning of a new journey Employee onboarding is the final chapter of the recruitment process, as it welcomes your final candidate into your company. The onboarding process includes gathering key documents, integrating the new employee into their
Oi, Comunidade! Hoje venho compartilhar com vocês o primeiro curso vertical do Pipefy Academy, totalmente voltado para processos de compras. Com este curso rápido, times de suprimentos aprendem a gerenciar processos de compras no Pipefy, automatizar fluxos de aprovação, criar e editar relatórios, gerar documentos em PDF de modo automático, e muito mais. Acesse o curso aqui: O curso funciona como um complemento do Pipefy Academy e como um curso único também. Esperamos que gostem do primeiro curso dedicado aos times de compras. E já avisamos que está em nosso roadmap produzir mais cursos voltados para diferentes departamentos e áreas. Tem algum feedback?Compartilhe com a gente nos comentários!
Finance process automation can help speed up processes, reduce errors, and improve vendor, customer, and employee experiences. Businesses depend on technology to solve complexities in their finance processes.Payments must be processed, invoices generated and sent, and invoices must be matched to purchase orders and proofs of receipt. Every workflow and process in the finance department involves a range of people, systems, and data. Automation helps coordinate all the moving parts by eliminating manual tasks, enhancing collaboration, and keeping work items in motion. Keep reading to learn more about this business solution, or feel free to skip ahead to the section you need using the jump links above. Finance automation definition Finance automation involves the use of technology to complete tasks with little or no human input. This isn’t to say that it replaces people with robots. It simply means using automation to handle repetitive, time-consuming manual tasks. By automating these a
Is it possible to sort the attachments in a card by date? Or at least highlight the most recent file? it gets messy when there are multiple attachments.
Spreadsheets may be common, but they aren’t the ideal tool to keep track of business opportunities since they can quickly become outdated and are difficult to control. To mitigate these issues, you can import all your leads into a pipe or a database inside Pipefy where they can be effortlessly found, updated, and managed through your sales process. Here is a quick guide: Click on Tools → Apps, and select Importer app. Click on enable to activate it. It will appear in your pipe's header. Click on the Importer app icon to open it up. Then, choose if you want to import your spreadsheet to a pipe or a database. In New Import, drag and drop or select your spreadsheet from your file folder (it must be an .xlsx file). The next step is to combine its columns with the pipe's or database's fields and start importing. Need a detailed tutorial? Get more information below. Prepare your spreadsheet The first step is to make sure your spreadsheet has the same information as your pipe/databas
HelloI am looking to retrieve a field's dynamic content using graphql.I have been using CardField and I can retrieve some information such as the name and the description. However I have been unable to retrieve the entire dynamic content that has been set in the field.Could you please provide some guidance?Thanks!
Hi, I want to update the field Done from false to true of a card using graphQL, how can I do that ? I need to move some cards to next phases:I´m tryng this mutation: mutation { moveCardToPhase( input: { card_id: cardID destination_phase_id: newPhaseID } ) { card { id current_phase{ name } } }}And I’m getting the bellow error"message": "Card could not be moved to phase id: 1234567"How can I figure out what fields are required to allow this Phase updating of the card ?Thanks in advance for any help.
HR automation makes candidate and employee journeys more human by eliminating repetitive tasks and giving teams more face time. HR automation improves employee experiences and increases process efficiency by eliminating repetitive tasks, reducing workload, and creating faster processes. That means people operations teams (including HR and TA) have more time to take care of candidates and employees.What is HR automation?Human resources automation refers to the use of apps and software to complete HR tasks and activities with little or no human input. Tasks that can be automated include those that occur frequently and activities that do not require complex decision making skills.HR automation is sometimes referred to as HR process automation, HR workflow automation, or even HR digitization. While they may sound similar, the way automation affects tasks is nuanced. Below is a quick glance at the differences: Why is HR automation important?Automation makes sense for HR teams for one simp
Gostaria de enviar um email de update para os clientes com o andamento do processo, em um template que incluísse: a) o nome da fase atual, e b) a duração de cada fase até o momento, em dias. Já sei criar o template e trabalhar com os campos dinâmicos, mas não consigo encontrar o campo dinâmico para a), e aparentemente b) está em horas, alguém pode confirmar? Obrigado!
When it comes to customer relationship management for SMBs, spreadsheets and custom-built solutions aren’t the only games in town. No-code software offers a flexible alternative that lets workflows scale with your business. Managing CRM with no-code workflow softwareThe point of a CRM workflow is to unify sales, marketing, and customer support functions in order to build healthy relationships and drive sales. But for many SMBs, the only options have been spreadsheets or custom-built CRM solutions. Spreadsheets will eventually become unmanageable, and custom builds consume time and other resources that could otherwise be harnessed to drive business growth. No-code tools offer a flexible alternative that’s customizable, easy to use, and ready to scale as the business evolves. In this article, we make the case for using no-code software as an alternative to spreadsheets or custom CRM builds. We’ll review the essential elements of a CRM, illustrate how each component enhances relationships
Hi there! At our company, we are currently looking into automating the onboarding process. During our demo’s to management, we got the question if there are any other ways to display the “not completed tasks”. We explained that they could be consulted in History of a card, but the feedback we got is that it could be a real search for the outstanding tasks. One requirement of management was that it could still happen in Pipefy, but just one overview for all the cards of the not completed tasks of each card. So my question, to the community, is: what do you guys think is the best approach to display a full list of outstanding tasks in a pipeline, without having to search through the history of each card? Note: We tried looking into ‘Tasks’ tab on the homepage, but that’s for a full phase. We’re looking for each individual task that is not completed for different phases. The current idea is to work with an extra pipeline, but then we’re not using what Pipefy was made for, since that requi
OláEu consigo baixar o PDF do Pipefy pela API ou Pelo Make, ou isso não e possível?