Welcome to the Pipefy Community!
Welcome to the Pipefy Community! We’re happy to have you here! A community is made by people who join forces to accomplish more together than they could have done alone. We are building a community to keep empowering doers to achieve more with Pipefy. In our community, you can: 📝Learn more about the Pipefy platform: discover new features, use cases, and ways to use Pipefy 🔎Find the answers you are looking for: ask product-related questions and help others to solve the challenges they're facing. 😀Connect with the Pipefy team directly: Meet other community experts, professionals, and partners and expand your network. 📢Share knowledge with the community: share best practices, product hacks, and integrations you build and get recognized as a product expert. Being active in the community and frequently collaborating will help you build notoriety among community members. Let’s build an amazing community together! 🚀 🔷Let's start with this quick video to understand how to engage with other community experts and share your knowledge with the community. ⭐Here are 5 quick tips for you to succeed in the community! 💥 Meet our Superuser Program here. Our community is a place for everyone, and it's essential to us that we all feel welcome, so please be sure to follow these moderation rules and guidelines. 👉🏼 It’s time for a quick tour of our community page: Ask to community Share best practices, ask questions, get answers, and get inspired. If you want to create a post, check out the following guide: How to post a question? News and Announcements Get informed about product releases and general announcements. Tips and Inspiration Where you will find advice, resources, tips, and tutorials to improve and easily manage your processes. Every week new content will be added to help! Events and recordings Keep an eye out for our events! If you missed a live event, don’t worry! All event recordings will be shared so you can watch them at any time. Ideation We count on our community to develop a better product. This category is the best place for you to share your ideas and discuss them with other community members and Pipefy staff. Before submitting an idea is nice to check this quick guide. Product Updates We share information about our releases on the Product Updates page of our platform.On the Community Product Updates page, you can expect notices of our maintenance releases, roadmap, and important product release information. Help Center Need help? Check out our collection of articles created to help you and guide you on the various possibilities to improve your process. Find your cluster Meet practitioners that are leveraging the same processes as you! Share knowledge and get some tips for a specific use case. Pipefy Developers Here you can find documentation on how to develop your own Customs App and Integration and on how to use GraphQL API query language to extend Pipefy capabilities. Is an open space where developers can build powerful products on Pipefy’s platform. Other language (Posts in Portuguese🇧🇷) Here you will find several contents in Portuguese, you can:> Ask questions: Pergunte à Comunidade> Get informed about product releases and general announcements: Novidades> Knowledge basis with lot of content about good practices, tips and tutorials: Base de conhecimento > Get informed about product releases and general announcements: Novidades ✨ 5 Key Steps for the best journey in Pipefy Now that you’ve had all the information necessary, just enjoy our community! Really nice to have you here with us!🤗 🇧🇷To read this content in Portuguese click here.